Imperial Assault Star Wars meets Dungeons & Dragons....NERDGASM! Back to other figures page for lots more funky stuff!
Also done some more work on the scenery for IM, time to get some paint slapped on it! |
Boltholes & Barricades scenery set, these raised areas are a really helpful addition to to the game as when things start to get busy on te board those little dotted lines can become a realo pain to see!
New Artic set scenery created! |
Sky palace & Cannons/caches sets all finished! |
Jabba's palace! Played aaround with the dimensions of the throne a little so the available figure could actually sit on it :) |
And the outdoor scenery sets to jabba's realm! |
Latest wave painted and now I havea crew for the Ghost!!
Site Design By Skud © Bulldog Models 2006 -2007 |