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Gallery of Ghastlies!

A look at some of the evil, nefarious and downright nasty minions who have tried to eat our loyal band of heroes over the years!


Eye, eye, its an Undead Beholder



Reaper Minotaur

Beholder Lord


This was originally the DnD zombie dragon (which was crap) so I cut off its wings and repainted, makes quite a nice Basilisk


Couple more Reaper beholder figures

Ghosts! Waaaaaaagggh

Giant spider, hours of endless fun around the house!


Brilliant Ork Shaman from Avatars of War

Heresy miniatures Troll, quite simply one of the best sculpts to date IMHO

Reaper Hill Giant, fantastic dynamic figure. The dwarf is there to show just how big he is!

Couple more shots of the Hill Giant, a face only a mother could love :Op

Another Brilliant Figure from reaper miniatures, this time a Battle Troll!

The bull rushes were made from paper, wire and a little plastic rod, lots of fun!

Reaper Wight Lord

Reaper Ghast Lord Scaaaary!

Added a few extra skulls and a bit of gore. Don't worry he's only pulling your leg, he's pretty armless <groan>

Another reaper mini, this time a Grave Horror! Particularly proud of the grave shaped pebble I found in the back garden...spooky!

Heresy Spider, Scary!

Reaper Spider Centaur, spider man eat your heart out!

Labith, spider centaur, must be hell when she needs to shave the legs...


Carnivorous Worm!

One bin collection a fortnight, see what happens!

Old, but a classic!

Another fine Heresy miniature, can't for the life of me remember what he's called!

B' Hakoth

doing his thing...

Azaroth The fallen One!

I decided to paint this fella in classic Demon colours

yet another amazing mini by heresy miniatures

Who's your money on?

This is the Reaper dragon, nothing OTT required, just a simple effective paintjob

I binned the rider figure as he is painted to represent an overlord Avatar from Descent: Road to legends

Some more Heresy stuff here, Hellbeasts and aint that Sludge monster just the cutest little fella you ever laid eyes on :O)

Total Awesomenuss(who cares if that aint a word) from Heresy again. Here we have the Netherlord II facing off against Boris!

Netherlord painted in an afternoon, Boris and the base done in a morning, Diorama in a day!

Close-up showing sword detail

Couldnt originally decide ona colour but being old school I just figured anything this big and mean just had to be RED!

Demon's danglers

lots of nostril flaring moments to be had

Boris the Destroyer

Netherlord, kicker of arses

Place your bets!!!

A classic Cyclops from Heresy

Great pose on yet another fantastic Heresy miniature

This dude just screamed 'stripy pants' for some reason!

A billiant little Heresy Dwarf and yet another fantastic Avatars of war Miniature in the guise of an Orc Berserker


Chaos Beast Lord

Tales of War Beastman Shaman

Avatars of War Goblin King (modeled on John Prescott I reckon)

Avatars of War Goblin Hero

Avatars of War Orc Shaman

Avatars of War Netherhound


Think this is an onld reaper mini, pulled it out of the bits box to use as a beast in Deathmatch

This might be the games day 2009 mini, quick paint job saved me having to buy a chaos warrior for deathmatch ;O)

Reaper Golem

Scibor Minotaur. Really funky figure, check out the size of him, that's a standard 32mm miniature at his feet!


Another nice Minotaur from Scibor, this time the 'Chieftain'



Some Skaven badboys, wouldn't want to bump into them in a dark alley!

Avatars of War Vermin Lord, Rat Ogre and Wolf Rats!

3 more Skaven characters


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