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Lots of leather and shiny bits!






A finer set of greaves a man could not ask for, these have propped me up many a time when any mortal man would have collapsed through the intake of alcohol!

The main components of my gear, showing the Greaves, vambraces and mail shirt. yes thats double link sprung steel, could stop a bullet, weighs a ton but I feel secure from the blows of rubber swords :O)

New set of Vambraces, are they sexy or WHAT!

Close up of my new pauldron, rerebrace and vambrace set-up. Still virgin and needing to be christened in battle. I have already tested it in its most important movement envelope of tankard to lip, thankfully it performed admirably

The 'top bits'

Should have some action photos of me wearing my full outfit after this years event at the end of August. Hopefully while I am still upright and not horizontal, 3 sheets to the wind, lying in a ditch somewhere :O)




Site Design By Skud © Bulldog Models 2006 -2007